"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

Dr. Suess

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Im going to talk about the most common walk almost all of us take every other day. The walk from Lone Peak High School. Allllll the waayy to Lone Peak Seminary. The walk is about 100 yds,
during this long walk.
Our textbooks transform into Book of Mormons and Bibles.
Our "thoughts" of that girl in A1 change to our thoughts of eternal marriage
Our plans for college change to our plans to serve missions... Or go to BYU
Our worries about grades change to worries for repentance
Our daily homework changes to daily scripture study and prayer
Our songs change from Miley Cyrus to Hymn #127
Our Teachers go from Mr. to Brother.
Then about an hour and half later we walk back into school as if nothing changed.
But that's life everyone has multiple identities, if we didn't then life would be boring.


  1. But that's life everyone has multiple identities, if we didn't then life would be boring.


  2. I can't even comment on how much I love this... like the whole freaking thing... every work... ohmigosh #it'sALLstolen

  3. Multiple identities.
